Promoting employee wellbeing can help prevent stress and create a

positive working environment where individuals and organisations can both thrive

There has to be a change in the way we support our working new mothers.

The expectations are huge. 


Why is it so important to have a strong employee wellbeing for businesses? 

And why would you be losing out if you overlooked it...

54% of businesses who offer good maternity support, experience at 54% staff retention rate

54% of businesses who offer good maternity support, experience at 54% staff retention rate

£1.6 billion spent on replacement costs in the UK alone each year this is vital for businesses.

£1.6 billion spent on replacement costs in the UK alone each year this is vital for businesses.

Leaders that invest in employee wellbeing are more likely to see increased productivity and performance while reducing staff turnover, burnout and stress.

Leaders that invest in employee wellbeing are more likely to see increased productivity and performance while reducing staff turnover, burnout and stress.

Post-pandemic - more than 3 in 4 UK mothers now in paid employment. Focussing on wellbeing and therefore retention is vital to get right. Not to mention meeting business objectives & avoiding any HR issues.

Post-pandemic - more than 3 in 4 UK mothers now in paid employment. Focussing on wellbeing and therefore retention is vital to get right. Not to mention meeting business objectives & avoiding any HR issues.


There are 3 packages to choose from. 

These are designed to support your pregnant employees and those in a role of management. 



This workshop is designed for managers & team leaders to give them the supportive toolkit they need to go on and support their team members. 


  • Modern Maternity Care

  • Changes during the 9 months 

  • Support is Queen

  • Language is everything 

  • Workload Wonders & Woes

This workshop gives managers/team leaders the tools they need to support their pregnant team member whilst working inline with business objectives.

What this workshop isn’t, is a look at HR laws and maternity rights.

For delivery & pricing (options available) please hit the contact button 



A short course which guides your pregnant employees through a bespoke preparation framework ahead of becoming mum. Full of pointers & tips, along with their own postnatal plan.

The focus is how to get ready and get prepared, with the added layer of still being in the workplace.

As an added bonus, your employees can access WELLBEING sessions during the early weeks of their maternity leave to further ensure a strong start.

For delivery & pricing (options available) please hit the contact button 



Ensuring a smooth pathway to back to work starts with employees feeling valued, listened to and part of something amazing.

As an experienced doula, I’ll answer every question & query for your new mum employee.

Whether it’s sleep, feeding, newborn norms, physical, food, relationship changes, development stages, becoming... plus, emotional back-up.

These are sessions that can be booked via the business on an ad hoc basis or as a package.

For delivery & pricing (options available) please hit the contact button 

Why am I a good person to teach all of this stuff? 

I have been a doula for over a decade. I have been at the coal face as it were when emotions are raw and feelings are heightened. I’ve seen first hand the look on mums face when they are going through a difficult phase. When they feel unsupported or not even visible. Everything feels about the baby. Their needs plummet down yet no one can pour from an empty cup. 

Don’t just take my word for it…

As a first-time mum I was a little shell shocked about my birth experience and I struggled with my newborn during the early weeks, April provided a good listening ear and she gave me suggestions and advice on several things.

- N. Patel

She reassured me when I felt like I didn't know what the right things to do was and helped me get through the difficult newborn period

- K Lee

April gave me very useful practical advice on how to look after a newborn. As a first-time mum this was priceless. I'd highly recommend April's support to all new mums'. Outstanding

- B Szasz


Are you ready to promote employee wellbeing in the workplace?

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