In-Home Doula Support

Personalised in-home postnatal doula support for new mums and families.

Flexibility is key when becoming a parent, having options to best suit you and make your life easier. .

As well as offering online support, you are able to arrange in-home support.

Maybe baby is arriving, or maybe baby is already here and you feel an extra pair of hands is exactly what you need.

To get your through the newborn fog and haze, to a time when you are feeling differently, doula support acts a bridge. A bridge when you are confident of your choices and feeling in your flow. ​

What are some of the things you can expect from doula support ?

  • Emotional back-up at a time when emotions are heightened

  • Look after and settle baby (or babies) whilst you rest & recover

  • Help with infant feeding - boob or bottle

  • Pop a wash on, tackle the dishwasher or prep some food

  • Help with siblings if needed

  • House projects to rid you of those niggling feelings

  • Facilitate breathing space to recharge physically and mentally

  • Informational support when asked - let's cut through that often contradictory info out there, and get you what really helps  

  • Getting you into your flow when you feel you are ready

  • And anything else to make your life easier!

" You can’t pour from an empty cup "

Something I say to the mums I speak to.

Here's why...

If you are running on empty you have nothing to give.

As a doula, I look after you, mum, first so you are best placed to look after your baby.

So you are not running on empty.

Support is personalised to your own situation, where you want to get to and how it can best support you. It's also flexible so it changes to match how you are feeling as the weeks go on - because how you are feeling on week 2 is different to how you will be feeling on week 10.

Please note that in-home support is for mums in South London & Surrey. If you are out of these areas do still ping me a message to see if the location is do-able or if I can help in another way.


Good news you know have options ...

The Ad-hoc option.

These are 4-hour sessions.

You can book as and when you feel the need for an extra pair of hands.

(please ask if you would like something different).

For each of these session the rate is £120.

“April was very friendly, caring and empathetic. In the early days when I was unwell, she gave me the space I needed and was very caring. She was also very knowledgeable about my illness and researched lots of resources for me”

- L O Donovan


What not to do before your baby arrives ..

There is so much out there about what we ‘should’ be doing throughout our pregnancy and for motherhood.

This download gives you a different look on what not to do before your baby arrives and you become a mum.

Sometimes it's easier to know what not to do, rather than all the things we feel we should be doing...

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